Our Bee & Flower jasmine soap is made from selected materials and natural jasmine essence, which gives you a delightful and lasting fragrance. Just give it a try and you will no doubt be convinced. This jasmine soap weights 2.85 oz
Posted by Diane Mayo on 23rd Dec 2017
I simply love jasmine. the smell is wonderful and not faded like other soaps. the smell is long lasting and fills the area! will definitely be ordering this again. thanks your deliver time was excellent!....
Posted by Xavier Guillaume on 29th Jan 2013
I'm so happy with this soap. It leaves my hands smelling wonderful! I wouldn't mind buying more of this scent in the future. :)
Posted by A viewer on 7th May 2010
I originally purchased these soaps for the bathroom, but when they arrived they smelled so amazing I kept them out in every room in my house. Now my entire house smells amazing! They are better than any air freshener I have ever used!